Tuesday, December 18, 2007


There are certain borders that shouldn't be crossed...
Otherwise all sorts of things could be lost...

Life's borders are a social construction,
Set up in a way that can cause destruction,
Meaningless jokes could be taken as insults,
Friendships could be ended over resulting tumults,
Life's borders can cause turmoil,
Pushing tempers so high they boil,
Recoil and retaliation are how borders are crossed,
The inability to keep it shut are how friends are lost...

Silly things like needless back-sassing,
Push people to retaliate by harassing,
Relationships are blown open by hurtful words,
The borders that life has made are absurd,
No one ever means to hurt another,
But the borders push people so close they smother,
Tempers become frayed, friends become dismayed,
Things are said and the ultimate price is paid...

There are certain borders that shouldn't be crossed...
Otherwise all sorts of things could be lost...

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