A murderer prowls during the night,
A cartoonist scours during the day,
The murderer takes life and light,
The cartoonist tries to ease dismay...
The murderer strikes on lovers lanes,
The cartoonist researches at the library,
The murderer brings so much pain,
The cartoonist's overworking is scary...
The murderer stabs and shoots,
The cartoonist reads and writes,
The murderer mocks the suits,
The cartoonist helps them fight...
The murderer kills for press and pleasure,
The cartoonist needs greatly to know who he is,
The murderer feels absolutely no pressure,
The cartoonist has never before felt any like this...
The murderer feels his work is just,
The cartoonist wishes greatly to hear a confession,
The murderer is overcome with blood lust,
The cartoonist is overcome with obsession...
To stare at the murderer and know it's him...
To hear him admit to all his sins...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
A Fair Warning
Now my mother has seen you,
She knows where you live,
And it's too near for my liking...
I did manage a laugh though,
When she told me you were old,
Frail and weathered looking...
Now, even more than before, do your looks...
Match your hag like personality...
You're now a lot closer to us than before,
No one from my family is happy,
You have hurt us enough for one life time already...
Without you showing your haggard face again,
So just stay away from us,
Or I WILL hurt you...
I will punch you...I will kick you...
I will kill you...
(A Fair Warning comes with its own warning - it's awful, and this is because it is about a person who doesn't deserve anything more).
She knows where you live,
And it's too near for my liking...
I did manage a laugh though,
When she told me you were old,
Frail and weathered looking...
Now, even more than before, do your looks...
Match your hag like personality...
You're now a lot closer to us than before,
No one from my family is happy,
You have hurt us enough for one life time already...
Without you showing your haggard face again,
So just stay away from us,
Or I WILL hurt you...
I will punch you...I will kick you...
I will kill you...
(A Fair Warning comes with its own warning - it's awful, and this is because it is about a person who doesn't deserve anything more).
A Fair Warning,
Big Man,
January - March 2008,
ninth Bebo page
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Your head and your heart have been split in two,
You have no idea what to do,
The spark in your relationship is gone,
You have no idea where you went wrong,
Now you are being pulled in two different directions,
By a friend who constantly compliments your perfections,
Your heartstrings have been tugged like never before by him,
Now you feel the need to go out on a limb,
As to you it doesn't feel like such a risk,
All you want to do is feel his kiss,
Yet despite his compliments, he kisses others,
Now all you want to do is hide under your bed covers,
But you can't do that because your heart needs mending,
Otherwise all this hurt you feel will be never ending...
The confusion you feel causes nothing but pain...
The heart always plays this cruel game...
You have no idea what to do,
The spark in your relationship is gone,
You have no idea where you went wrong,
Now you are being pulled in two different directions,
By a friend who constantly compliments your perfections,
Your heartstrings have been tugged like never before by him,
Now you feel the need to go out on a limb,
As to you it doesn't feel like such a risk,
All you want to do is feel his kiss,
Yet despite his compliments, he kisses others,
Now all you want to do is hide under your bed covers,
But you can't do that because your heart needs mending,
Otherwise all this hurt you feel will be never ending...
The confusion you feel causes nothing but pain...
The heart always plays this cruel game...
January - March 2008,
ninth Bebo page
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Beyond the Surface
Beyond the surface of it all,
Lies your one great pitfall,
That lurks within dark internal shadows,
Hiding in the unknown of tomorrow,
Waiting for the inevitable lapse,
That will lead to the ultimate collapse,
Of all the things you have made,
Of all the plans you had laid,
By you who thought life could be simply mapped out,
By you who is now engulfed in internal doubt...
Beyond the surface of it all,
You feel so incredibly small,
As your say influences little,
You feel insignificant and brittle,
But you don't seem to realise,
Your say can stop all the lies,
Your say could change your life,
Your say could end your internal strife,
Your say means absolutely everything,
As without it, you're nothing...
So don't think your say doesn't matter...
As you can decide whether your life goes lighter or darker.
Lies your one great pitfall,
That lurks within dark internal shadows,
Hiding in the unknown of tomorrow,
Waiting for the inevitable lapse,
That will lead to the ultimate collapse,
Of all the things you have made,
Of all the plans you had laid,
By you who thought life could be simply mapped out,
By you who is now engulfed in internal doubt...
Beyond the surface of it all,
You feel so incredibly small,
As your say influences little,
You feel insignificant and brittle,
But you don't seem to realise,
Your say can stop all the lies,
Your say could change your life,
Your say could end your internal strife,
Your say means absolutely everything,
As without it, you're nothing...
So don't think your say doesn't matter...
As you can decide whether your life goes lighter or darker.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Young Love Slain
Inner anguish,
External pain,
Heartbreaking sorrow,
Knows no gain,
Unfair choices,
Send me insane,
I cause tears,
Too real to feign,
What do I do?
Do I call again?
Or should I let this lie?
Young love slain…
External pain,
Heartbreaking sorrow,
Knows no gain,
Unfair choices,
Send me insane,
I cause tears,
Too real to feign,
What do I do?
Do I call again?
Or should I let this lie?
Young love slain…
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A Message to Life
Life has hit me,
It has repeatedly kicked me,
It always strikes,
When it seems I have recovered from the previous blow,
It has hit me when I've least expected it to...
I have often reached a stage,
Where I have wanted to run away,
Wanted to escape from this life,
From everything,
But not anymore.
Because I have some news for 'life'...
I am still here,
And I am no going nowhere,
You can hit me and hit me,
You can knock me down,
But I will get straight back up,
Because I am here and nothing will shake me...
I am here...until Death forcibly takes me...
It has repeatedly kicked me,
It always strikes,
When it seems I have recovered from the previous blow,
It has hit me when I've least expected it to...
I have often reached a stage,
Where I have wanted to run away,
Wanted to escape from this life,
From everything,
But not anymore.
Because I have some news for 'life'...
I am still here,
And I am no going nowhere,
You can hit me and hit me,
You can knock me down,
But I will get straight back up,
Because I am here and nothing will shake me...
I am here...until Death forcibly takes me...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Utter Confusion
Lad after lad breaks their feelings to you,
Your head spins everywhere in an instant,
You have no idea what to do,
You don't want to hurt anyone...
They are all crazy about you,
It's easy to see why,
But some have messed with you before,
What gives them the right to ask for a second chance?
Your head is everywhere except where it should be,
It is no where near as clear as it should be,
All you want is somebody to love,
Somebody that won't treat you like they hate you...
You don't deserve to be treated that way,
That's what's causing all this confusion,
You're wondering will any of these lads treat you the way you should be,
Or will they just be like everyone else...
Using you before leaving you...
You're in a state of utter confusion...
Your head spins everywhere in an instant,
You have no idea what to do,
You don't want to hurt anyone...
They are all crazy about you,
It's easy to see why,
But some have messed with you before,
What gives them the right to ask for a second chance?
Your head is everywhere except where it should be,
It is no where near as clear as it should be,
All you want is somebody to love,
Somebody that won't treat you like they hate you...
You don't deserve to be treated that way,
That's what's causing all this confusion,
You're wondering will any of these lads treat you the way you should be,
Or will they just be like everyone else...
Using you before leaving you...
You're in a state of utter confusion...
No Longer Blinded
In recent times my selfishness has shone through,
Circumstances forced us apart,
And I blamed everything else but them,
I took my frustrations out on everything around me,
I want you even though I can't have you,
And I haven't been shy in hiding that...
This only makes things harder for you,
Your life is everywhere except where it should be,
Me reminding you of old troubles doesn't help,
Instead of making you smile your glorious smile,
I add unnecessary burdens to your already heavy load,
Making it harder for you to carry them...
Everyone's sympathy has been given to me,
Everyone has been trying to help me move on,
But the truth is I haven't been trying at all,
I have been clinging onto memories long gone,
Trying in vain to live them over and over again,
All that did was remind me of reality...
A reality where only one thing matters to me,
No longer does my selfishness blind my judgement,
No longer does my selfishness cloud my sense of what's right,
Now that I can see, all I want is for you to live your life,
I want you to find someone that circumstances doesn't affect,
I want everything to start going right for you...
Because you've enough burdens to carry already,
Without me adding to them,
If anyone deserves to smile brightly and be happy, it's you,
And I hope that someday soon you'll show that wonderful smile,
And find the happiness you deserve so much,
Right in your own hometown...
In your beloved Galway...
Circumstances forced us apart,
And I blamed everything else but them,
I took my frustrations out on everything around me,
I want you even though I can't have you,
And I haven't been shy in hiding that...
This only makes things harder for you,
Your life is everywhere except where it should be,
Me reminding you of old troubles doesn't help,
Instead of making you smile your glorious smile,
I add unnecessary burdens to your already heavy load,
Making it harder for you to carry them...
Everyone's sympathy has been given to me,
Everyone has been trying to help me move on,
But the truth is I haven't been trying at all,
I have been clinging onto memories long gone,
Trying in vain to live them over and over again,
All that did was remind me of reality...
A reality where only one thing matters to me,
No longer does my selfishness blind my judgement,
No longer does my selfishness cloud my sense of what's right,
Now that I can see, all I want is for you to live your life,
I want you to find someone that circumstances doesn't affect,
I want everything to start going right for you...
Because you've enough burdens to carry already,
Without me adding to them,
If anyone deserves to smile brightly and be happy, it's you,
And I hope that someday soon you'll show that wonderful smile,
And find the happiness you deserve so much,
Right in your own hometown...
In your beloved Galway...
Friday, January 18, 2008
So Much for the End
So much for the end my friend,
You have convinced me to keep on going,
So much for the end my friend,
It is only the beginning...
You have convinced me to keep going,
Saying I have a magnificent gift,
So I'll happily keep going while knowing,
That by doing so, I can give you a lift...
I face a long hard battle however,
In trying to drag and pull more emotions,
From the depths of my heart and soul,
And poetifying them for your salvation...
But for you my friend, it is a fight worth fighting...
Just so you will continue smiling,
But you shall only be reading about joy from now on,
As on the inside I am no longer dying...
Well, so much for the end my friend,
You have convinced me to keep on going,
So much for the end my friend,
Afterall, the end is only the beginning...
You have convinced me to keep on going,
So much for the end my friend,
It is only the beginning...
You have convinced me to keep going,
Saying I have a magnificent gift,
So I'll happily keep going while knowing,
That by doing so, I can give you a lift...
I face a long hard battle however,
In trying to drag and pull more emotions,
From the depths of my heart and soul,
And poetifying them for your salvation...
But for you my friend, it is a fight worth fighting...
Just so you will continue smiling,
But you shall only be reading about joy from now on,
As on the inside I am no longer dying...
Well, so much for the end my friend,
You have convinced me to keep on going,
So much for the end my friend,
Afterall, the end is only the beginning...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Those Three Words
Why is it you find it so hard,
To respond to me?
Why is it you can't say,
The words that I speak to you?
Those three words are all I want to hear,
But you say you will only say them,
If you're sure you mean them...
Yet you utter those three words,
So frequently to others that doubts start creeping,
I wonder why you don't say them to me,
When I have said them to you,
I wonder if I have done something wrong,
And now I fear repeating those three words,
In case I insult you so much it drives us apart...
Those three words are meant to show love...
Not to break hearts...
To respond to me?
Why is it you can't say,
The words that I speak to you?
Those three words are all I want to hear,
But you say you will only say them,
If you're sure you mean them...
Yet you utter those three words,
So frequently to others that doubts start creeping,
I wonder why you don't say them to me,
When I have said them to you,
I wonder if I have done something wrong,
And now I fear repeating those three words,
In case I insult you so much it drives us apart...
Those three words are meant to show love...
Not to break hearts...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Friend's Role
Watching from the sidelines is tough,
Listening never seems to be enough,
But these are situations where characters are made,
Friends can only do so much until someone is buried,
In the end it all comes down to one thing,
The person themselves doing the talking,
As bottling things up never achieves anything,
The heart needs to flow through the art of speaking...
When the loved one eventually dies,
The relations themselves are the ones who cry,
That is when the friends need to be there,
To talk and listen, to stroke their hair,
Friends can only show that they are willing,
To sit down and do all the listening,
Then the person doesn't feel pushed,
To let everything come out all rushed...
The friend's role is always a tough one...
Because sometimes you feel you are helping no one...
But you must believe that you are doing a world of good...
As it does much more than bottling things up ever could...
Listening never seems to be enough,
But these are situations where characters are made,
Friends can only do so much until someone is buried,
In the end it all comes down to one thing,
The person themselves doing the talking,
As bottling things up never achieves anything,
The heart needs to flow through the art of speaking...
When the loved one eventually dies,
The relations themselves are the ones who cry,
That is when the friends need to be there,
To talk and listen, to stroke their hair,
Friends can only show that they are willing,
To sit down and do all the listening,
Then the person doesn't feel pushed,
To let everything come out all rushed...
The friend's role is always a tough one...
Because sometimes you feel you are helping no one...
But you must believe that you are doing a world of good...
As it does much more than bottling things up ever could...
Story of Life
The story of this life is death,
Of that one final forced breath,
Parting from you was such sweet sorrow,
I wish we had kissed like there was no tomorrow...
You are that one blinding light,
That shines through the blackness of the night,
But now that you have left this life,
That light has been replaced by darkness and strife...
It is hard to continue living,
When you are no longer breathing,
Life itself no longer has meaning,
Not seeing your face is believing...
It is horrible feeling like this,
Why didn't we share one last kiss,
I am hollow and dead inside,
Our lives were meant to peacefully coincide...
Not to split apart and divide...
Of that one final forced breath,
Parting from you was such sweet sorrow,
I wish we had kissed like there was no tomorrow...
You are that one blinding light,
That shines through the blackness of the night,
But now that you have left this life,
That light has been replaced by darkness and strife...
It is hard to continue living,
When you are no longer breathing,
Life itself no longer has meaning,
Not seeing your face is believing...
It is horrible feeling like this,
Why didn't we share one last kiss,
I am hollow and dead inside,
Our lives were meant to peacefully coincide...
Not to split apart and divide...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Questions of Life
The last few days I have asked questions,
Questions of life,
Questions of love,
Questions of when,
And questions of why...
These questions cannot be answered,
Because life has no readymade answer,
Life is an ever-evolving thing,
Never ceasing, always changing,
And this is something that has only struck me,
Now that I need answers to life's unanswerable questions...
At times when life seems so rewarding,
It takes from you everything,
At times when life seems so perfect,
It beats you back down again,
And puts you in your place...
This is when the questions are thrown about,
This is when the doubts come out,
This is where the quitters are separated from the winners,
This is where you ask the question few people ever ask,
The question of yourself...
Can you do it?
Whenever things start to go wrong,
Just always bear in mind,
That for every low you have in life,
There is always a high that will follow it,
And that is what makes the high so special,
Knowing that you've come through hell to savour it...
Questions of life,
Questions of love,
Questions of when,
And questions of why...
These questions cannot be answered,
Because life has no readymade answer,
Life is an ever-evolving thing,
Never ceasing, always changing,
And this is something that has only struck me,
Now that I need answers to life's unanswerable questions...
At times when life seems so rewarding,
It takes from you everything,
At times when life seems so perfect,
It beats you back down again,
And puts you in your place...
This is when the questions are thrown about,
This is when the doubts come out,
This is where the quitters are separated from the winners,
This is where you ask the question few people ever ask,
The question of yourself...
Can you do it?
Whenever things start to go wrong,
Just always bear in mind,
That for every low you have in life,
There is always a high that will follow it,
And that is what makes the high so special,
Knowing that you've come through hell to savour it...
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Galaxy's Light
The galaxy's light is amazing,
Hours I used spend lazing,
Looking at the stars in the sky,
Reaching out, climbing high,
Just wishing to be significant,
Like those stars that are so magnificent...
I yearn for that precious ability,
To stand myself up and see,
That life isn't so hard afterall,
Friends are always there, give them a call,
Family are always there too,
But still I don't know what to do...
All I know is that life is a constant fight...
And the galaxy is the light...
But I continue to fight in the shade...
Right beside where the Big Man was laid...
The galaxy's light begins to fade...
This is the stuff that nightmares are made...
Hours I used spend lazing,
Looking at the stars in the sky,
Reaching out, climbing high,
Just wishing to be significant,
Like those stars that are so magnificent...
I yearn for that precious ability,
To stand myself up and see,
That life isn't so hard afterall,
Friends are always there, give them a call,
Family are always there too,
But still I don't know what to do...
All I know is that life is a constant fight...
And the galaxy is the light...
But I continue to fight in the shade...
Right beside where the Big Man was laid...
The galaxy's light begins to fade...
This is the stuff that nightmares are made...
Forgiving is always hard,
Especially when you've been left in the lurch
By someone you thought would always be there,
Someone who is supposed to watch you grow,
Who is supposed to pick you up when you fall,
Dry your eyes when you cry,
And tell you that everything is going to be ok,
Even if they're not sure themselves it will be...
It can take years to learn to forgive and forget,
It can take years to understand fully what happened,
But even when you know why they did what they did,
It doesn't make it any easier to accept it
As forgiveness is something that needs to be earned,
But it can't be earned if the mistake that was made
Put the person you're trying to forgive
Six feet under the ground.
Especially when you've been left in the lurch
By someone you thought would always be there,
Someone who is supposed to watch you grow,
Who is supposed to pick you up when you fall,
Dry your eyes when you cry,
And tell you that everything is going to be ok,
Even if they're not sure themselves it will be...
It can take years to learn to forgive and forget,
It can take years to understand fully what happened,
But even when you know why they did what they did,
It doesn't make it any easier to accept it
As forgiveness is something that needs to be earned,
But it can't be earned if the mistake that was made
Put the person you're trying to forgive
Six feet under the ground.
Big Man,
January - March 2008,
ninth Bebo page
Five Years
It has been five long, leaderless years,
Since you left those you loved,
Yet those you loved will always remember,
Those you loved will never forget...
I pay another visit to the home of the dead,
Dusk is setting in the sky,
Rain is falling lightly to the ground,
Silence provides a space to think...
With every visit to this place of solitude,
It becomes easier to accept the headstone,
But the questions burn as fiercely as ever,
The wondering will never cease...
Life has had to be taken one step at a time,
Without your guile to guide me,
I have stumbled on more than one occasion,
Stumbled but never fallen...
Stumbled but never stopped completely,
As that was never in your mentality,
You took your knocks and kept moving forward,
As quitting to you was never an option...
That is one trait I'm proud to say,
I have inherited from you Big Man,
Five years may have passed since you left,
But that trait hasn't left me or my brethren...
As time can't wash away such a thing...
Nor can it wash away our love of you, Big Man.
Since you left those you loved,
Yet those you loved will always remember,
Those you loved will never forget...
I pay another visit to the home of the dead,
Dusk is setting in the sky,
Rain is falling lightly to the ground,
Silence provides a space to think...
With every visit to this place of solitude,
It becomes easier to accept the headstone,
But the questions burn as fiercely as ever,
The wondering will never cease...
Life has had to be taken one step at a time,
Without your guile to guide me,
I have stumbled on more than one occasion,
Stumbled but never fallen...
Stumbled but never stopped completely,
As that was never in your mentality,
You took your knocks and kept moving forward,
As quitting to you was never an option...
That is one trait I'm proud to say,
I have inherited from you Big Man,
Five years may have passed since you left,
But that trait hasn't left me or my brethren...
As time can't wash away such a thing...
Nor can it wash away our love of you, Big Man.
Big Man,
Five Years,
January - March 2008,
ninth Bebo page
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Procrastination is a villain,
That needs to be defeated,
Or else it can make life so much more difficult,
And it could end up being conceded...
Putting it off, putting it off,
Is the worst thing you could do,
But it must be kept in mind that it is so easy,
When there's so many things distracting you...
It needs to be done right now.
But others' distractions make it difficult,
You ask me how to tell you how,
I don't know, for me it's just as difficult...
I am one of those things,
That provides an unwelcome distraction,
I prevent you from doing your work,
Causing procrastination...
For this I am terribly sorry,
I don't want you to fail,
But it is your everlasting beauty,
That I simply wish to hail...
Because of me you get nothing done,
Anger swells inside of you,
I didn't mean it, I'm sorry,
But you're just as responsible too...
You should have kept away from me,
Then your work would have been completed,
But we were both at each other,
Procrastination hasn't been defeated...
We can always try again tomorrow...
Hopefully procrastination won't cause more sorrow...
That needs to be defeated,
Or else it can make life so much more difficult,
And it could end up being conceded...
Putting it off, putting it off,
Is the worst thing you could do,
But it must be kept in mind that it is so easy,
When there's so many things distracting you...
It needs to be done right now.
But others' distractions make it difficult,
You ask me how to tell you how,
I don't know, for me it's just as difficult...
I am one of those things,
That provides an unwelcome distraction,
I prevent you from doing your work,
Causing procrastination...
For this I am terribly sorry,
I don't want you to fail,
But it is your everlasting beauty,
That I simply wish to hail...
Because of me you get nothing done,
Anger swells inside of you,
I didn't mean it, I'm sorry,
But you're just as responsible too...
You should have kept away from me,
Then your work would have been completed,
But we were both at each other,
Procrastination hasn't been defeated...
We can always try again tomorrow...
Hopefully procrastination won't cause more sorrow...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I have never known such joy,
I'm as happy as I'll ever be,
But now the insecurities appear,
I fear losing you...
You insist I have nothing to worry about,
You say you're as happy as I am,
But now I find myself waiting,
For the fall that follows every high...
I tell myself to just enjoy this time,
To enjoy every moment in your arms,
But it's so hard to do that,
When I expect the worst to just suddenly happen...
My face shows no tears,
But on the inside it's flooded,
Hours and hours are spent dreading,
Hearing those words that will end my joy...
Still I sit waiting...
Waiting for the inevitable...
I'm as happy as I'll ever be,
But now the insecurities appear,
I fear losing you...
You insist I have nothing to worry about,
You say you're as happy as I am,
But now I find myself waiting,
For the fall that follows every high...
I tell myself to just enjoy this time,
To enjoy every moment in your arms,
But it's so hard to do that,
When I expect the worst to just suddenly happen...
My face shows no tears,
But on the inside it's flooded,
Hours and hours are spent dreading,
Hearing those words that will end my joy...
Still I sit waiting...
Waiting for the inevitable...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Why Can't I?
Why can't I shed a single tear?
Why can't I cry for those near and dear?
Why can't I express my inner emotions?
Why can't I make tears that will form oceans?
Why can't I cry when someone dies?
Why can't I cry while looking to the skies?
Why couldn't I cry at the Big Man's funeral?
Am I heartless or just plain cruel?
Why can't I cry knowing everything will end in heartbreak?
Why can't I cry knowing everything in life is fake?
Why is it that I can't cry?
Is all this pent up emotion just a lie?
Why can't I cry for those near and dear?
Why can't I express my inner emotions?
Why can't I make tears that will form oceans?
Why can't I cry when someone dies?
Why can't I cry while looking to the skies?
Why couldn't I cry at the Big Man's funeral?
Am I heartless or just plain cruel?
Why can't I cry knowing everything will end in heartbreak?
Why can't I cry knowing everything in life is fake?
Why is it that I can't cry?
Is all this pent up emotion just a lie?
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
My forced departure reduces me to weeping,
We sleep miles apart instead of cuddling,
I'm forced to swap the peacefulness of the country,
For the busy and smoky inner city,
I'm forced to swap the warmth of your arms,
For the coldness of loneliness and shrilling alarms...
In the morning, we cuddled until the afternoon,
In the evening, we were separated far too soon,
The calling of home can't be ignored any longer,
But by the day my love of the country grows ever stronger,
It feels so much more like my home now,
In your eyes are where my heart belongs now...
They are brown and brown is for beauty,
In my mind it is my duty,
To be by your side, never-sleeping,
Ever awake, waiting, watching,
Ever awake, always protecting,
While you sleep on, never suspecting...
But the bustling city calls me home,
Miles away from you, where I'm all alone,
From home I cannot fulfil my duty,
From home I can't gaze upon and protect your beauty,
The train sits in the station waiting,
We hold each other tightly, all the time fretting...
We know now that parting really is sweet sorrow...
So let us kiss now like there's no tomorrow...
We sleep miles apart instead of cuddling,
I'm forced to swap the peacefulness of the country,
For the busy and smoky inner city,
I'm forced to swap the warmth of your arms,
For the coldness of loneliness and shrilling alarms...
In the morning, we cuddled until the afternoon,
In the evening, we were separated far too soon,
The calling of home can't be ignored any longer,
But by the day my love of the country grows ever stronger,
It feels so much more like my home now,
In your eyes are where my heart belongs now...
They are brown and brown is for beauty,
In my mind it is my duty,
To be by your side, never-sleeping,
Ever awake, waiting, watching,
Ever awake, always protecting,
While you sleep on, never suspecting...
But the bustling city calls me home,
Miles away from you, where I'm all alone,
From home I cannot fulfil my duty,
From home I can't gaze upon and protect your beauty,
The train sits in the station waiting,
We hold each other tightly, all the time fretting...
We know now that parting really is sweet sorrow...
So let us kiss now like there's no tomorrow...
Years Gone By/Youthful Innocence
The years are rolling quickly by,
Nostalgia creeps and makes me cry,
Memories of carefree days long gone,
Erase the present day and what's gone wrong,
Living in the past is becoming a habit,
I forget the present and literally just sit,
Spending hours at any one time,
Thinking about the youth that was once mine...
The present day is good for some things,
Like my wonderful girlfriend and all the socialising,
But with that comes a heavy reliance on myself,
To work hard and play hard, to not be shelved,
This is why the years gone come back to me,
The magic of youthful innocence I can finally see,
Other adolescents crave for independence,
I'm the opposite, I need others independence...
As within myself, there is no confidence...
Just a yearning for youthful innocence.
Nostalgia creeps and makes me cry,
Memories of carefree days long gone,
Erase the present day and what's gone wrong,
Living in the past is becoming a habit,
I forget the present and literally just sit,
Spending hours at any one time,
Thinking about the youth that was once mine...
The present day is good for some things,
Like my wonderful girlfriend and all the socialising,
But with that comes a heavy reliance on myself,
To work hard and play hard, to not be shelved,
This is why the years gone come back to me,
The magic of youthful innocence I can finally see,
Other adolescents crave for independence,
I'm the opposite, I need others independence...
As within myself, there is no confidence...
Just a yearning for youthful innocence.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
He fights a fight inside,
A fight that always makes him cry,
Why did his dad die?
Why is his life perched so high,
That falling constantly drives him to lie...
He sees only one answer to everything,
He drinks himself into oblivion,
He recognises the battle that faces him,
But he won't begin to fight it,
Choosing instead to run away from it...
He makes countless false promises,
Saying he will get off the drink,
Yet this is almost always followed,
By him drinking so much,
That he goes home bloody and unable to stand...
He is a really close friend of mine,
Which is why seeing him like this,
Is absolutely heartbreaking,
As one day something will happen,
And he will drink himself so much into oblivion...
That oblivion will swallow him whole...
And there will be no turning back...
A fight that always makes him cry,
Why did his dad die?
Why is his life perched so high,
That falling constantly drives him to lie...
He sees only one answer to everything,
He drinks himself into oblivion,
He recognises the battle that faces him,
But he won't begin to fight it,
Choosing instead to run away from it...
He makes countless false promises,
Saying he will get off the drink,
Yet this is almost always followed,
By him drinking so much,
That he goes home bloody and unable to stand...
He is a really close friend of mine,
Which is why seeing him like this,
Is absolutely heartbreaking,
As one day something will happen,
And he will drink himself so much into oblivion...
That oblivion will swallow him whole...
And there will be no turning back...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Nothing Matters Anymore
When walking home from a wonderful night out,
I feel there is no fight in me, no will to shout,
The steps I take are slow and deliberate,
Judgments are made, no one is considerate,
People see me and think I'm drowning in oblivion,
My head is only down because reality is sinking in,
Inside I feel all hollow and empty,
It feels as if everything has overcome me,
I feel like I've finally been defeated,
I feel as if life's battle has finally been conceded...
I'm told there are plenty more fish in the sea,
But for me, in Galway lies the catch of the century,
I had her, I lost her,
Her life will now be so much better,
As she'll go off and find another,
And with him she'll be so much happier,
Which is the only thing I really want,
Even if the dreams that she continues to haunt,
Are filled with never-to-be things,
Like bright white dresses and wedding rings...
Yet now I am overcome with a feeling...
That there's no point in concealing...
Nothing in life matters anymore...
Nothing in life can replace what's gone before...
I feel there is no fight in me, no will to shout,
The steps I take are slow and deliberate,
Judgments are made, no one is considerate,
People see me and think I'm drowning in oblivion,
My head is only down because reality is sinking in,
Inside I feel all hollow and empty,
It feels as if everything has overcome me,
I feel like I've finally been defeated,
I feel as if life's battle has finally been conceded...
I'm told there are plenty more fish in the sea,
But for me, in Galway lies the catch of the century,
I had her, I lost her,
Her life will now be so much better,
As she'll go off and find another,
And with him she'll be so much happier,
Which is the only thing I really want,
Even if the dreams that she continues to haunt,
Are filled with never-to-be things,
Like bright white dresses and wedding rings...
Yet now I am overcome with a feeling...
That there's no point in concealing...
Nothing in life matters anymore...
Nothing in life can replace what's gone before...
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
No Sympathy
I tell the same story over and over again...
Every telling just brings with it more pain...
But I don't want anyone's sympathy,
I am interested in no one's pity,
As it changes absolutely nothing,
It can't change the one thing,
That separates us altogether,
That splits us forever and ever...
Inside, I feel terribly hollow,
This is a bitter pill to swallow,
Split by distance, not by hate,
We shouldn't have met this fate,
A month is too short a time,
For years and years you should've been mine...
This choice was made against our will,
Ever reversing it looks like nil,
The rain that night matched my mood,
After watching you leave I began to brood,
I remember the brief good times that we shared,
I remember the feelings for each other that were bared...
And I know that we never should've ended this way,
Trying to get over you sends me into dismay,
But still I don't want anyone's sympathy,
I am interested in no one's pity,
Because for mercy, life makes no room,
It just leaves you with an impending sense of doom...
Making it a struggle for you to move on...
Because you've lost the joy of life's song...
Every telling just brings with it more pain...
But I don't want anyone's sympathy,
I am interested in no one's pity,
As it changes absolutely nothing,
It can't change the one thing,
That separates us altogether,
That splits us forever and ever...
Inside, I feel terribly hollow,
This is a bitter pill to swallow,
Split by distance, not by hate,
We shouldn't have met this fate,
A month is too short a time,
For years and years you should've been mine...
This choice was made against our will,
Ever reversing it looks like nil,
The rain that night matched my mood,
After watching you leave I began to brood,
I remember the brief good times that we shared,
I remember the feelings for each other that were bared...
And I know that we never should've ended this way,
Trying to get over you sends me into dismay,
But still I don't want anyone's sympathy,
I am interested in no one's pity,
Because for mercy, life makes no room,
It just leaves you with an impending sense of doom...
Making it a struggle for you to move on...
Because you've lost the joy of life's song...
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