Monday, May 28, 2007

From a Glimmer to Nothing Again

The first time I laid my eyes on you,
I thought I had died and gone to heaven,
And any hope I harboured of being with you,
Were either confined to my over active imagination,
Or to my most wonderful of dreams about you.
But the years have now rolled by
Since that faithful September day,
And with them, my dreams have suddenly become a possibility,
Yet, not even a huge one,
Just a small glimmer of hope,
But that is more than I could ever have wished for
All those years ago,
As a small chance of being with you,
Is all I've ever wanted.
Yet I find this irritating for two reasons,
One being that now I have a glimmer of hope,
I now want a full on guarantee
Before taking the plunge and asking you to go out with me,
While the second is I lack the courage necessary,
To act on the glimmer of hope that has been presented to me,
And while that glimmer slowly fizzles into nothing again,
You will be happy with someone who had the courage
To take the plunge and take your hand,
A hand that I long to make my own.

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