Monday, June 2, 2008


(under constant review)

The idea of having a reason to live,
The idea of achieving more than you think possible,
The idea of capturing and keeping the moment,
The idea of finding the one you love,
The idea of creating something permanent,
The idea that having two hearts could kill us,
The idea of inspiring,
The idea of being remembered,
The idea of making history,
The idea of being a role model,
The idea that beauty can cause destruction,
The idea of drawing millions,
The idea of being as happy as you can be,
The idea of waiting forever being completely worth it,
The idea of falling down,
The idea of getting back up,
The idea of seeing yourself in others eyes,
The idea of friendship barriers not preventing flourishing feelings,
The idea of making the ground thunder,
The idea of bringing joy and tears simultaneously,
The idea of being misunderstood,
The idea of death bringing something new,
The idea of pushing death aside to allow for birth,
The idea of shaping your own destiny,
The idea of living life to its full potential,
The idea of searching for the unexpected,
The idea of a promised dawn actually coming,
The idea of wishes made selflessly for others working in your favour,
The idea of stupid drama being abolished,
The idea of home being exactly that,
The idea of blind faith being rewarded,
The idea of honesty really being the best policy,
The idea of your loved ones being there forever,
The idea of the foundations you lay remaining strong,
The idea of walking away knowing you’ve done the right thing,
The idea of doing something properly,
The idea of ossification not leading to blindness as well,
The idea of a victory over circumstance being more than a dream,
The idea of being big enough to be small,
The idea of the feelings you feel taking shape in a person,
The idea of overcoming all obstacles in search of a higher purpose,
The idea of going home knowing you’ve earned it,
The idea that all of this is a gift,
The idea of permanent escapism,
The idea of being able to think freely without persecution,
The idea of making people proud,
The idea that everything you do isn't inconsequential in the end,
The idea of thoughts and dreams going on and on,
The idea of learning from others while remaining yourself,
The idea of creating something of life-changing importance,
The idea of being influenced before influencing,
The idea of having something to believe in…

The idea of having ideas…

(this poem is a catch all for any idea I have that I can't turn into a poem of its own - usually, lines that are added here are just random thoughts that I save as draft text messages in my phone, so all the random ideas jostling for prominence here no doubt contradict each other constantly).

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