Saturday, August 28, 2010


The fatigue entrances the street lights either side
of me so they begin to dance before my weary eyes.
As I walk home alone the moon appears to my right
and begins laughing softly in my ear - an attempt
to distract me from the temptations of the nocturnal night.
I reach the car park and spot a black cat jealously guarding
the surrounding mass of empty concrete that will be
filled within several hours anyway - an effort so utterly futile
that the stunted growth of aging perception seems like
standard stagnation to the eyes of voyeurs, the faceless strangers
who waltz through life completely certain of their “beliefs”
whilst claiming to be faithless by undivine intervention;
and a greenfly lands on my index finger as I write down
all of these insignificant events that, once upon a time,
would have induced the awe of a mesmerised child in me:
Oh, how reality hits when the world stays exactly the same!

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