Sunday, April 17, 2011

Moon Shadows

There was sincerity in serenity
As laughter filled the air
On the beach that night.
The world sat back
And simply lit our way
With a blazing night light,
Casting moon shadows
On the hilly sand around us.
And where we would
Normally have fumbled
In darkness to move,
We could see every face,
And each attached shadow.
The ease of our flow
Was the gain of our youth,
With our coming-of-age
A pass into the doldrums
Of the dancefloor.*
We always meant to go back
And commemorate our
Old haunt with one more session,
But the lure of cheap drinks
And strange people
In the conformity of clubs
Is too strong for the thirsty.
The beats operate
In the sea’s stead,
The rhythm bringing hope
(a drunken delusion)
Where waves brought peace
(without intrusion).
And there are no moon shadows
Where we go now,
Just lights in strobes
Splintering our lust;
While back on the beach
The moon casts its silhouettes
In fond silence,
Fleeting in form,
Yet with dashes of shadows
Come and gone –
And free.
Always free.

* Oddly a rare retreat sometimes –
Lost from madness
Within more madness,
Only the sought madness
Is unknown,
And better because of it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Too Short

Too short to cut short,
Each intake fleeting,
A reminder of our temperance.
Life and death -
A thin separation;
The final breath could come
Any day, at all times.
Triviality rules us,
Dominates through idiocy -
And pointless consumption.
Affairs of the heart,
Political cul-de-sacs,
All lost in the end,
Fought for without reason
To succeed,
Bar happiness,
A futile commodity in itself.
We are too short,
Yet sometimes feel like an eternity -
A retrograding mind
Is dangerous,
Fleeing rather than facing fact.
With a silent shake,
Perhaps with broken faith,
Nothing is said:
A quiet escape is made.
Life is quick,
But not so much as death;
It is too short,
Yet the realisation is thus:
We live; we die -
How is the waste in-between.

Friday, April 8, 2011

What Was Promised

Promised each other the world -
The world kicked back;
Promised each other our love -
We fled before fact;
Promised each other the truth -
The lines became blurred;
Promised each other to us -
Failure seemed absurd.

The unkept promises litter our past;
The flag's material atop our mast.
Feebly fighting our ferocious wind,
Whistling with anger at us who sinned:

You were the ones who always loved -
When did it stop being enough?

Promised each other "forever" -
Distance was longer;
Promised each other strength -
Others were stronger;
Promised each other music -
We remained mute;
Promised each other poetry -
Took flight at "too cute".

The unkept promises litter our past;
The flag's material atop our mast.
Feebly fighting our ferocious wind,
Whistling with anger at us who sinned:

You were the ones who always loved -
When did it stop being enough?

Promises to silently know
(We lied).
Promises to go with the flow
(We lied).
Promises to shadow our shadow
(We lied).
Promises to never let go
(We lied).

The unkept promises litter our past;
The flag's material atop our mast.
Feebly fighting our ferocious wind,
Whistling with anger at us who sinned:

You were the ones who always loved -
When did it stop being enough?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Let It Be

The temptation to revert to type
Returns as solitude quietly drops
The curtains on my shift-strung,
Momentary existence for another day.
A simple message could
End the silence I sought
In desperation to move on,
And maybe then things would be
Simply the same all over again.
The miscellaneous hello-goodbyes
Of our connection once made me smile,
And even when it became
A dependency I hid from with words,
I just smiled some more
Because it felt nice to be loved,
Even from a distance.
Uncontrollably, I am still aware of you,
As I count our seconds apart
While the world succeeds -
Where I fail - in ignoring us both.
And no matter how much I try
To cast my gaze fully forward,
I just think backwards
To when we together once dreamt
Of being free;
And it is at this point in my thoughts,
When all nerve has failed me,
That a little voice within whispers:
"Just let it be."