Saturday, January 17, 2009


So permanence takes its horrid form,
So realisation makes an inevitable appearance,
So jealousy rears its ugly head,
So feelings begin their reluctant clearance,
So timing wreaks of poverty,
So hearts show their frailty,
So eyes attempt to defy emotion,
So everything ends in destiny,
So this way or that makes no difference,
So here or there make no time,
So now and never are no longer options,
So time proves it's simply divine,
So a screeching halt is called to proceedings,
So a sudden stop is forced on life’s path,
So a sad surrender is made to will,
So an attempt to retrieve is made in the aftermath,
So salvaging produces red shards,
So pieces are put back together again,
So falling apart is the sign of a new beginning,
So questions are asked, like ‘where and when’?

(written in Milan)

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